Test Report

Test Report


The eSignet testing scope revolves around the following flows:

  • Login with OTP

  • Login with Biometrics (mock and real device)

  • Multiple instances of eSignet

  • Cross-browser testing: eSignet flow verification in different browsers (Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari)

Test Execution Statistics

Functional Testing

  • Stories Verified: 10

  • Test cases: 401

    • Passed: 386

    • Failed: 9

    • Skipped: 6

  • Test Rate: 98% With Pass Rate: 97%

Device Based Testing

  • Test cases: 12

    • Passed: 11

    • Failed: 1

    • Skipped: 0

  • Test Rate: 100% With Pass Rate: 91%

API Testing

  • Test cases: 261

    • Passed: 261

    • Failed: 0

    • Skipped: 0

Last updated

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