Code Contribution


The recommended Github workflow here is for developers to submit code and documentation contributions to e-Signet open-source repositories.


Setup your development machine

  1. Fork repository of interest.

  2. Clone the fork to your local machine. E.g.:

    $ git clone<your_github_id>/esignet.git
  3. Set the upstream project as the original from where you forked. E.g.:

    $ cd esignet
    $ git remote add upstream
  4. Make sure you never directly push upstream.

    $ git remote set-url --push upstream no_push
  5. Confirm the origin and upstream.

    $ git remote -v

Code changes

  1. Create a new issue in GitHub.

    1. Follow the issue template provided.

    2. Please provide as much information as possible.

    3. If you want to develop a new feature, please elaborate on the idea and discuss the design before starting development.

  2. In your local repository, fetch the upstream.

$ git fetch upstream

3. On your local repo, switch to a branch if you are working on an older release (like the 1.0.0 branch) or stay in main/develop branch.

$ git checkout upstream/<branch> 

You will get a warning from git. Don't worry, our next step will take care of this warning.

4. Create a new issue branch with the name of the issue.

$ git switch -c issue-<issue number>

5. Make sure you are up-to-date with the upstream repo.

$ git pull upstream <branch> 

You should do this quite often to ensure you are up to date.

6. Now feel free to make the change in the code or documentation. Reach out to our community for any queries. Once done with the work, commit your changes by referring to the Issue ID in the commit message. Eg:

$ git commit -m "[#1234] Adding new upload feature in e-Signet service"

7. Once again ensure that you are up-to-date with the upstream repo as it may have moved forward.

$ git pull upstream <branch> 

8. Build and test your code. Make sure to follow the coding guidelines. Provide unit test cases for the changes you have built.

9. Push to your forked repo (origin).

$ git push --set-upstream origin issue-<issue number>

10. On your forked remote repository from GitHub, create a pull request using the Contribute button. Direct the pull-request to main or any specific branch upstream.

Most often it's the same branch in the upstream (as in Step 3).

11. Make sure the automatic tests on GitHub for your pull request pass.

12. Reviewers shall review the pull request. Reach out to the community for a faster response.

Last updated

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