Standards & Security
Building on the most trusted security protocols.
eSignet is built on industry-leading security standards, ensuring robust privacy and data protection. It implements OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0, leveraging the most secure and trusted authentication flows to safeguard user identities.
1. Security and Interoperability
eSignet integrates SBI (Secure Biometric Interface) to enable an ecosystem of biometric players. Please refer here to view the list of supported devices. Additionally, eSignet:
Adopts emerging standards for verifiable credentials with OpenID and seamless wallet integration.
With eSignet v1.5.0, support has been introduced for Identity Assurance under OpenID Connect for fetching the verified user claims and their metadata.
eSignet integrates with HSM PKCE 11 for the safe and secure storage of signing keys.
eSignet implements OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0. Below are the supported well-knowns.
OpenID Configuration
Jwks Json
Authorization Server
OpenID Credential Issuer
2. Supported Standards and RFCs
eSignet provides a limited implementation of the OpenID protocol, supporting the following RFCs and standards:
a. OAuth 2.0 Standards:
OAuth 2.0 RFC 6749 - Authorization code flow support
OAuth 2.0 RFC 7636 - PKCE security extension
OAuth 2.0 RFC 7523 - JWT profile for client authentication
b. Token and Discovery Standards:
RFC 7519 - ID token and access token as JWT
RFC 5785 - Followed for both openid and oauth well-knowns
c. Additional Security and Identity Standards:
3. Supported Authentication Flows
As eSignet incorporates OpenID Connect, a wide range of client libraries are available for seamless integration. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid creating custom code for the integration process.
eSignet implements and supports only the flows mentioned below:
OAuth 2.0
Authorization Code with PKCE
Authorization Code with PKCE
Identity Assurance 1.0
Authorization Code with PKCE
Note: eSignet supports confidential clients only, adhering to the principle of security by design.
4. Security Enhancements
Authorization Code Flow โ Exchanges an authorization code for a token, requiring client authentication.
Private-key-jwt - Our supported client authentication method is private-key-jwt only which ensures that the token is given to a legitimate client.
PKCE - We also support the PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) security extension for exchanging an authorization code for a token, which guarantees that the authorization code was obtained by the same client application performing the code exchange.
Note: eSignet currently supports the S256 challenge method in its PKCE implementation.
5. eSignet as OAuth 2.0 server
eSignetโs OAuth 2.0 implementation is a lightweight solution designed specifically for OIDC authentication flows. It does not function as a full-fledged authorization server but provides the essential capabilities required for identity verification and kyc. Additionally, eSignet:
Does not support role-based access control - As it is designed for integration with national-level identity solutions, where predefined roles are not necessary.
Last updated
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