Register Yourself
You can get your credentials added to Collab by filling out this form. We generally take 1-2 working days to create your credentials.
Once your credentials are generated, you will receive a UIN from our collab environment at your registered email ID. After that, you will be able to explore eSignetâs capabilities and experience seamless authentication through various channels.
Step-by-Step Process
To experience the various methods of login and authentication in the demo health services portal using eSignet, follow the detailed instructions below:
Step 1: Access the health services portal
Navigate to the relying partyâs demo Health Services portal in the Collab environment, and click on Sign In with eSignet
Step 2: Explore the various authentication mechanisms
OTP Authentication
Once you receive your UIN/VID, you can navigate to the health portal and try authenticating using your UIN/VID and the default OTP, i.e. "111111" (six ones).
A detailed step-by-step guide on how to log in with OTP using eSignet is also available here.
Note: Please use 111111 as the OTP, for any OTP-based feature in the Collab environment.
Biometrics-based Authentication
Mock biometrics setup
To enable biometrics-based login, ensure that your machine is running Windows.
Make sure you have Java 11 or a higher version installed on your computer.
Download the
file from the link provided here.Unzip the downloaded file to extract its content.
Locate the
file within the extracted folder.Double-click on the
file to start the authentication MDS.
Experience the process of logging in using biometrics, by following the instructions provided here.
Note: Biometric-based login with Mock MDS is currently unavailable in the Collab environment. Stay tuned to the MOSIP Community for updates!
Authentication using Wallet
For our testing, we have integrated with MOSIP's digital wallet- Inji, which we can use as an authenticator.
To get your credentials onboarded on Inji and enable them for authentication, follow the below steps,
Install the Inji APK on your mobile device using this guide to set up and use Inji
Download your credentials on Inji. For details on how to download the credential, click here (Refer to step 3 in the guide)
Ensure that you have activated your credentials for online login. This step is crucial for wallet-based authentication to work smoothly. For a comprehensive guide on how to activate the VC for online login, refer here
Once you are done with the above steps, you can use the Inji wallet to log into the health portal. The detailed steps to log into the health portal using the Inji wallet are available here.
Additional Video Resource
Watch this informative video here to gain insights into eSignet.
Explore the eSignet Online Authentication Demo video for a practical demonstration of the authentication process.
Watch Running eSignet Locally - A quick comprehensive guide for local implementation for eSignet versions up to 1.4.2
Click here for detailed information about eSignet.
By adhering to these guidelines and making use of the available resources, you will be able to smoothly experience the different methods of login and authentication offered by eSignet. This will guarantee secure and efficient access to the services you require.
Get in Touch
If you require any assistance or encounter any issues during the testing and integration process, kindly reach out to us through the support mechanism provided below.
Navigate to Community.
Provide a detailed description of the support you require or provide detailed information about the issue you have encountered, including steps to reproduce, error messages, logs, and any other relevant details.
Last updated
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