
Release Number: v.1.4.1

Release Date: 15th July, 2024


This release introduces new features centered on Verifiable Credentials (VC) issuance plugins related to Sunbird RC, enhances configuration capabilities for Knowledge-Based Identification (KBI), and addresses critical known issues from previous versions.


1. Features included

We have developed two new plugins to support the issuance of verifiable credentials (VC) by authenticating users through Knowledge-Based Identification (KBI) using the Authenticator plugin. These enhancements are detailed below:

a. Authenticator plugin implementation for KBI with Sunbird RC.

  • Implementation of the Authenticator plugin to enable Knowledge-Based Identification (KBI) within Sunbird RC.

b. VC Issuance plugin implementation for Sunbird RC.

  • Implementation of the VC Issuance plugin to facilitate the issuance of verifiable credentials within Sunbird RC.

c. eSignet UI to support KBI form configuration.

  • eSignet UI now supports KBI form configuration, making it easier to set up and manage KBI-based identification.

For more information on KBI, please refer to the KBI documentation

Note: The newly developed plugins are independent and can be adapted to various use cases that utilize Knowledge-Based Identification. An example use case like Insurance Card VC Issuance demonstrates how a user can be issued a verifiable credential using the Sunbird RC registry configured with KBI.

Bug Fixes

Fixes from v1.4.0:

  • Improved Input Field Validations: Enhanced input field validations using regex implementation.

  • User-Friendly Error Messages: Improved error messages for better user experience.

Fixes from v1.3.0:

  • eSignet Service Fixes: Critical and major bug fixes related to the eSignet service.

  • eSignet Signup Service Fixes: Critical and major bug fixes related to the eSignet Signup service.

For a complete list of all bugs addressed in this release, please refer to the bug fixes list.

Known Issues

  • Key Known Issue:

Please refer to this link for the list of all known issues.

Repositories Released

Note: digital-credential-plugins was released as part of v1.4.0, and is compliant with v1.4.1.

For details on deployment, refer to the helm charts in the eSignet repository.


Last updated

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